Matanzas shrouded in smoke due to a fire in a brush area near the city

Firefighters are working at the site, with no damage reported to people or infrastructure.

A fire reported in brush areas near Reparto Armando Mestre in the city of Matanzas has created a thick column of smoke visible from various points in the city.

According to information shared by TV journalist Yumurí, Carlos Manuel Bernal López, the incident is affecting a mangrove area and has prompted the mobilization of firefighters, who are working to extinguish the flames.

Facebook Capture/Carlos Manuel Journalist

The Ministry of the Interior confirmed that the fire was accidental and occurred in the afternoon, ruling out any deliberate human intervention.

Specialists have indicated that, although the large column of smoke is causing concern, there are no reports of human or infrastructure damage.

Facebook capture/Carlos Manuel Journalist

Bernal López also assured that the urban area of the neighborhood and the Estadio Victoria de Girón are not in danger, as some users mistakenly pointed out on social media.

Facebook capture/Carlos Manuel Journalist

Residents have used digital platforms to share images and express their concerns about the situation while the causes of the incident are being investigated.

Frequently Asked Questions about the fire in Matanzas and its impact

What caused the fire in the brush areas of Matanzas?

The fire was accidental, according to the Ministry of the Interior, and no intentional human intervention was detected. The exact causes are still under investigation.

Is the population of Matanzas in danger from the smoke?

Although the dense column of smoke has raised concerns, no human or infrastructure damage has been reported, and the urban area of the Armando Mestre neighborhood and the Victoria de Girón Stadium are not in danger.

How are the authorities responding to the fire in Matanzas?

The Fire Department is actively working to extinguish the flames in the area affected by the brush fire. Authorities are in the process of investigating the causes of the incident.

What other similar incidents have occurred recently in Matanzas?

Recently, several fires have been reported in the province of Matanzas, including fires in state warehouses in Varadero and a garage fire caused by the explosion of an electric motorcycle. These incidents highlight the recurrence of risk situations in the region.


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A team of journalists dedicated to reporting on current events in Cuba and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we strive to provide accurate news and critical analysis.

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A team of journalists committed to reporting on current events in Cuba and global issues. At CiberCuba, we strive to provide accurate news and critical analysis.