A young person shares their experience living in Miami, and this is how people react on social media: "Which Miami do you live in?"

A Spaniard in Miami shares on TikTok how her behavior has changed due to cultural differences. Her video generates reactions, especially among Cubans.

A Spanish woman living in Miami shared a video on TikTok in which she reflects on how her behavior has changed since moving to the United States. In the clip, the user @tammy_ibiza highlights several cultural differences between Spain and her life in Miami that have profoundly impacted her.

Among the points she mentions are makeup, noting that she didn't usually wear makeup in Spain, whereas she does so in Miami. She also pointed out, "In Spain, we all interrupt each other in the same conversation without letting the person next to us finish. Here, if you do that, it is considered disrespectful." Additionally, she discussed the professional and cordial attitude of people, even when someone is not to your liking.

Another aspect that stood out was the tone of voice in conversations. It was noted that Spaniards tend to speak loudly, much like Italians, whereas in Miami, people use a moderate tone and ask you to repeat yourself if they don’t hear you.

However, the video generated mixed reactions among TikTok users, especially within the Cuban community and those who have been living in Miami for years. Some of the comments were:

"Should you be in a unique area of Miami where only you are?"; "That's not the Miami I've lived in for over 20 years."; "Do you live in Miami or in Kentucky???"; "Oh dear, what will we say as Cubans?" or "We Cubans are similar to the Spanish; I would say we are very alike."

Other users expressed their disagreement with more direct statements: "I am Spanish and I live in Florida, and I don't know where all that is, because I don't share it, honestly."; "In Miami, at least where there's a Cuban, you'll hear their voice very loudly and they interrupt you when you're speaking."; "Which Miami is she talking about?" or "But you, are you sure you're Spanish? It seems to me you're describing Cubans, haha."

Some users even questioned whether he was really describing Miami, claiming that the city, due to its large Cuban and Latin presence, is known for its energy and loud voices.

The video has highlighted how cultural perceptions can vary depending on the context and the community one integrates into, demonstrating that Miami can be a different experience for each person.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cultural Perception in Miami

Why were there mixed reactions to the video of the Spanish woman in Miami?

The video sparked mixed reactions because its observations about Miami did not resonate with the experiences of many residents, particularly within the Cuban community, which identified more with habits like speaking loudly. Some users questioned whether the description truly reflected Miami, known for its energy and vibrant Latin community.

How does diversity influence cultural perception in Miami?

Miami is a melting pot of cultures, particularly with a strong Cuban and Latin presence, which creates a rich diversity of experiences and cultural perceptions. The city can provide very different experiences depending on the community with which one interacts.

What comments has the video of the Spanish woman in Miami generated among the Cuban community?

Among the Cuban community, the video sparked comments highlighting cultural similarities with the Spanish, such as speaking loudly and interrupting during conversations. Some Cubans questioned whether the Spanish woman's description truly reflects life in Miami, suggesting that she might be describing another place.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Previously an editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Former editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.