San Isidro strikers

On November 9, 2020, Cuban rapper Denis Solís was arrested by the police. After undergoing a summary trial, he was sentenced to eight months in prison for the alleged crime of contempt. All of this prompted mobilization by the San Isidro Movement, to which the dissenting musician belongs, to demand his release. On November 18, several members of the organization and others in solidarity with the cause, who had been stationed since the 16th at their headquarters at Damas 955, in Old Havana, decided to begin a hunger strike, some also refusing to drink water, to demand Solís' release.

After abandoning the thirst strike, Maykel Osorbo and Luis Manuel Otero remained on a hunger strike; in addition to Iliana Hernández, Katherine Bisquet, Esteban Rodríguez (initially also on a thirst strike), and Anamely Ramos. Osmani Pardo, Yasser Castellanos, Adrián Rubio, and Oscar Casanella ended their strike. Supporting the strikers at the venue were Omara Ruiz Urquiola, Abu Duyanah Tamayo, Jorge Luis Capote, and Anyell Valdés Cruz, and they were joined by writer and journalist Carlos Manuel Álvarez.

The headquarters of the Movement was evacuated by the State Security on November 26th. Since then, the strikers have been harassed by the State Security and many of them have been deprived of the right to leave their homes.

2021, the year of leather in Cuba

  • Carlos Cabrera Pérez