"Mentepollo" translates to "Mentepollo" in English, as it appears to be a name or a specific term without a direct translation. If you provide more context, I may be able to help further!
Mentepollo surprises with his response to Trump regarding the threat to cut off water and electricity in Cuba
Pánfilo, Ruperto Marcha Atrás, and Mentepollo with Carlos Otero in Miami
Pánfilo and Mentepollo in Tampa
Pánfilo and Arroba with Carlucho in Miami
Pánfilo and Mentepollo arrive in Miami
Let me tell you (Chapter 1)
Mentepollo clarifies Ruperto's doubts
The Professor Mentepollo
El Titi, el Nene, and Mentepollo
23 Y M Program - Cuban Comedians (Pánfilo, Mentepollo, Antolín, and more)
Dale Taller - Cuban Humor
Professor Mentepollo discusses Sexuality
Public restroom. Cuban humor
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