If you have something to report, upload it to CiberCuba
How do I upload the photos or video?
- Via WhatsApp, sending the video or photos to the number + 17863965689
- Using the Wetransfer service, you can send a video or photos to the address: editores@cibercuba.com (if the file is too large, we recommend compressing the video before sending)
We also ask you to include a note in the message explaining the event in question, as well as the date it occurred, and whether you would like to receive credit for the material submitted or prefer your contribution to remain anonymous.
We at CiberCuba will review all submitted content every day and will publish the material that we deem appropriate. We cannot guarantee that we will publish every single piece of submitted material.
By sending a video, photos, or news, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of Malecón Media Group SL.