Cuban medicine Heberprot-P arrives in the European Union

Slovakia will be the first country in the European Union to apply Heberprot-P as a treatment for diabetic foot.

 © Cubadebate
Foto © Cubadebate

This article is from 6 years ago

The first country in the European Union In applying Heberprot-P as a treatment for diabetic foot ulcers, it will be Slovakia, which will host a group of Cuban doctors to advise the country's doctors in its application.

The National Center for Medical Information of Slovakia has estimated more than eight thousand citizens suffering from the disease.

The Cuban medical personnel - as highlightedPress media of the Island― was received by Andrea Kalavská (State Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic). The Cuban Ambassador to that country, Yamila Pita Montes, also participated in the meeting.

Dr. Boris Bánovský ―Director of the Slovak Ministry of Health― has valued the importance of the treatment:“Our goal is to offer Slovak patients a modern, special treatment, which can help them cure the disease and improve their quality of life. The purpose is that as many patients as possible, who meet the indicative requirements, receive the treatment.”

The Slovak Ministry of Health has prepared informative materials so that patients can gain confidence in the healing process with Heberprot-P, which has already become the most important jewel of Cuban Biotechnology.

You can't lose sight of thatmore than 250 thousand patients around the world They have already benefited from Heberprot-P, created and applied in Cuba for a decade.

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