Cubans respond to the challenge #LaFanderaEsDe todos

"A symbolic reminder to grant eternal light to Cuba."

Cubanos que se han sumado al reto © Twitter Movimiento San Isidro y Facebook Claudia Genlui
Cubans who have joined the challenge Photo © Twitter Movimiento San Isidro and Facebook Claudia Genlui

This article is from 4 years ago

The San Isidro Movement, based in Old Havana,launched the challenge #LaFlagEsDe todos, after the Cuban artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara was arrested after presenting his performance with the flag at the Museum of Dissidence.

Otero was missing for around 48 hours because, as he explained, State Security and Police agents considered it a "lack of respect."use the flag as a "stole."

Luis Manuel explains that the work was "a ceremony of remembrance for our country in decline, which fades in the face of the constant demand for an empty sacrifice, which has only brought about hunger, need, misery and therefore the distancing of society towards the nation. A symbolic reminder to grant eternal light to Cuba."

Cuban authorities recently launched a bill that "protects national symbols".

It was established, for example, that the flag will have specific dimensions according to its use, that it may be hoisted at night and that it will be permitted to be used on clothing with certain limits: never on underwear or swimwear, nor on pants, skirts or handkerchiefs. of pockets and that will always go on the front of the clothes.

"The national symbols belong to the body of the nation, they cannot and will not be rationed according to selfish interests of indoctrinating and monopolizing the thoughts of Cubans," explained the artists of the San Isidro Movement in a statement after launching the challenge.

Many Cubans, who reside inside and outside the Island, have joined the challenge by sharing creative images next to the flag.

Cuban comedian Judith González, known for her popular character Magdalena La Pelúa, is one of those who has joined:

"I also have a flag waving in my heart, with colors full of history. I also hug it and dream one day of seeing it fly in #Freedom," he says.

"What needs analysis today within national life is the right of the government and security bodies to discriminate against the use of national symbols, born and forged long before their reactionary revolution, their totalitarian communist party and long before they were born. their now aged leaders!!", adds the statement of the call.

The idea is that everyone who joins uses the hashtag #LaFanderaEsDe todos, in response to the Cuban regime.

The artists have also asked everyone who can to donate a Cuban flag to the Museum of Dissidence. They will be used in new protests, because the Police have confiscated many of the ones they already had.

"The flag belongs to each of the 11 million Cubans who are inside or outside of #Cuba."

"Because we carry Cuba more than in our blood #TheFlagIsOfEveryone."

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