Cuban talent continues to surprise in the fifth edition of the television contest Got Talent Spain, mainly with acrobats of different styles. The last ones to leave the audience and judges speechless were two 13-year-old children, who presented a risky and complex show.
At their young age, Cubans Flavio and Fabián demonstrated that they had enough strength, concentration and technique to surprise with a routine that is generally presented by adults.
"We always see these types of numbers with adult people and I was very surprised to see you at 13 years old doing everything that older people do," said the singer Edurne, surprised.
The boys did not get the difficult 'yes' from Ristro Mejide, who encouraged them to renew this type of number, but they did get the 'yes' from the other three judges, thus guaranteeing their pass to the next stage.
In this fifth season they have also surprised the Cuban lyrical singer Dania Rodríguez, the dancing couple José Ángel and Xenia, and the trapeze artist Hermes Mora.
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