Humberto López cleans the image of the regime during a visit to the Manto Negro women's prison

As if Cuba did not remember the struggle he had with a woman who questioned him as he was leaving his alleged lover's home, the presenter showed the Western Women's Prison on Cuban television, where he was “extremely impressed” by the “participation of inmates in social reintegration programs.”

This article is from 1 year ago

The resurrected Humberto Lopez, missing from the sets since physically attacked the Cuban activist Yeilis Torres, has once again appeared before the television cameras of the Cuban regime to show the “reality” of its prisons and destroy “matrices of opinion” that denounce the systematic violation of the rights of inmates.

“We return tonight at Hacemos Cuba. Second program dedicated to the rights and guarantees of people deprived of liberty. We will show images of our tour of different penitentiary establishments and the development of re-education and social reintegration programs,” the spokesperson for the dictatorship indicated this Monday on their social networks.

The second program It again had the participation of First Colonel Osmani Leyva Ávila, Second Head of the Directorate of Penitentiary Establishments of the Ministry of the Interior, a senior officer that the MININT puts on a visible and “friendly” face to hide the true, less friendly face of the real bosses of the penitentiary system.

Because not everyone can exhibit the talent of Humberto López, that audacity and cynicism with which he presents television spaces dictated and paid for by the counterintelligence and the ideological bosses of the regime. Not everyone can lie, defame, threaten and play victim like Humbertico does, that soldier of the so-called “revolution” whose cheeks grow bigger every day, it is not known if from blowing up balloons or from tasting arrobas of pork rinds.

This Monday, as if Cuba did not remember the struggle he had with a woman who questioned him when he was leaving his alleged lover's home, López showed on Cuban television the Western Women's Prison, popularly known as Manto Negro, where he was “extremely impressed” by the “participation of the inmates in the reintegration programs.” social".

The program repeated the format of the previous ones, in which visited the Eastern Combine and the Havana Youth Prison, and in which the conjurer López was accompanied by the senior staff of the Cuban prisons to “talk” with some inmates in new uniforms, clean, well fed and happy with the treatment they receive from their jailers. A long shot, a close-up, a pan and López takes out a tonfa... sorry, a rabbit from his hat.

“There is a remodeling process,” the presenter clarified while in the images you can see gangs of inmates plastering and painting the “penal interior” of Manto Negro, where relatives do not arrive when they visit, with buildings for the “internment groups.” composed of “cubicles” and inhabited by inmates with brand new t-shirts and pants.

Determined to show the “humanism” of Castroism, López praised the “Educate your child” Program that is taught in Cuban prisons, for men and women whom the so-called “revolution” wants to teach to be good parents, those who work. and they do not steal, despite receiving salaries paid by the State. Those who teach their children not to get into trouble, not to get involved in politics, to love historical leaders and to be, in short, good patriots.

“In the family we are all going to sing, educate your son, your program is going to start,” the inmates and cheerleaders of Manto Negro can be heard singing. Then they are heard speaking about motherhood in a talk about the new Family Code. Then they sing “We are the World” translated into Spanish (“we can rescue the faith that can save us together, you and I”) and then they dance a guaguancó.

Idyllic. “Wasn't this activity more pompous because we were present there?” López asked Leyva Ávila. “No, it is the daily routine of all our establishments,” responded the first colonel. “We win when we do this with the prison population,” added the official, proud of how good the regime's repressors are.

“Is it force that allows this to be the climate in our prisons?” the presenter wanted to know, comparing the “peace” that reigns in the Cuban prison population compared to the ungovernability of penitentiary centers in other parts of the world.

“No, success lies in two fundamental things,” said the MININT officer. On the one hand, “the discipline that we have achieved in our penitentiary establishments”, and on the other “interaction”, the key to “winning over” the prison population.

“We exchange with them, we listen to them, we solve all their problems, we serve them from a human point of view and that gives us prestige and authority before them,” explained Leyva Ávila, ensuring that in Cuba's prisons “there is no ungovernability.”

“In our penitentiary establishments, the combatants rule, who are the ones who impose order and discipline, and when any disciplinary measure has to be taken, it is done by the collective leaders, who directly attend to them [the “undisciplined”] and bring them to the council. disciplinary,” said the official. “Because that happens, not everything is rosy in our penitentiary establishments,” he added.

As if Cubans were indoctrinated beings to the point of not realizing anything, the regime insists on denying thousands of inmates, political prisoners and family members who have known the prisons in Cuba and who have testified to their conditions, as well as of the degrading and violent practices carried out there.

Continuity no longer teaches schools and hospitals, as it did in other, more glorious times of the dictatorship. Now they instruct the population about the “good life” that is lived in Cuban prisons. Between new uniforms and coats of paint, perhaps they will even be encouraged to show the “model” prisons to visitors and international sympathizers. The brilliant idea will earn López another replica of the mambí machete.

What do you think?


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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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