Cubans give a phone to a boy with only one leg in Santiago de Cuba

Two people each bought him a cell phone and others sent him money. The boy, from Santiago de Cuba, was playing one afternoon and fell. The next day gangrene began that ended in the amputation of the leg.

The Cuban dancer and choreographer Norge Ernesto Díaz Blak, known on his social networks as Noly Blak, asked for help to buy a cell phone for a child who is missing a leg.

Noly shared the story of the minor, who lives in San Luis, Santiago de Cuba, who one afternoon was playing and fell and the next day he started getting gangrene that ended in the amputation of his right leg.

"The child is of few words, he has some needs, but what he really wants is for us to help him with a telephone with a line, to communicate with his friends and be in the world of the Internet," he said in Facebook.

Facebook capture / Noly Black

Noly, who is dedicated to helping people in need, shared a video in which it is seen that the boy and his mother live in a fairly humble house.

As this good Samaritan revealed, a friend gave him 12 thousand pesos and another 40 MLC.

Photo: Facebook / Noly Black

"Please help me bring a smile to this child," he pleaded.

Given the request, several people mobilized to help the minor fulfill his dream.

Noly shared photos of two new phones that they bought him, and the list with the amounts of money they sent him.

Photo: Facebook / Noly Black
Photo: Facebook / Noly Black

"Two friends, Osman Ramiro Mendoza Sariol and Ernest González, who are each going to send him a cell phone, and I am going to take the money that was collected from him to Santiago de Cuba. Thank you all," he expressed.

Initiatives like these on social networks show the solidarity of Cubans with their compatriots in need, especially if they are children.

This week, the mother of a girl in a wheelchair, resident in Las Tunas, could not hide her emotion upon receiving a donation that included clothing, household appliances and repairs to the windows and walls of his house.

The name is Keyla, the little one, who apparently suffers from cerebral palsy, and thanks to the money donated by several people it was possible to provide her with a refrigerator, a queen pot, an electric stove and other products.

The managers of the initiative, Yoiler and Noly Blak, also allocated the money to replace some windows in the home and repair walls that were unfinished.

At the end of June, the Huellas team, made up of self-employed workers, launched a Internet campaign to buy a house for a family with three sick children in Ciego de Ávila.

The objective of the "They are not alone" campaign is to raise funds to buy a decent house for Ángel, an eight-year-old boy suffering from cancer; his four-year-old brother with cerebral palsy and his one-year-old sister, who suffers from bronchial asthma.

The three minors live with their parents in a shack in poor conditions in Morón, Ciego de Ávila.

The comedian Limay Blanco, who has a project linked to the Christian church in Cuba, where funds have been raised to help families without resources or patients with chronic diseases, Last week he delivered a refrigerator to a mother of three children in Havana.

"Thank you, thank you very much, for helping me help. God bless you. The mother of the three children now has her refrigerator," Blanco wrote on his Facebook.

In gratitude, the woman dedicated a prayer to the Cuban comedian for his support.

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