Cuban pays one hundred thousand pesos to attend the Cayo Santa María Festival and transportation fails

"I thought everything would be organized, I thought the buses would arrive depending on the number of people who paid for their package," he denounced.

A Cuban criticized the failure in the transportation system to attend theSanta Maria Music Fest, in the resort of Villa Clara province, after paying 100,000 pesos for a tourist package.

"This is very ugly, beginning ofCayo Santa María Festival, there is no transportation. I thought everything would be organized, I thought the buses would arrive depending on the number of people who paid for their package. I paid a package of 100,000 Cuban pesos and I do not appear on the passenger list for having paid that," he denounced in a video fromFacebook the digital creator identified as Vámonos Con Juanka.


As he explained, those attending the festival who had a package had been summoned from 7:00 am. in the Pan American Village, and many hours later only one bus had arrived to take away a first group of people, the rest were left angry and waiting for other transportation.

"Seven hours waiting for transportation. I am ashamed that we are still not able to organize with quality, a massive event for Cubans and not on foot, but for those who can pay for it even with discounts and offers," he expressed.

In itsopinion, everything could have been avoided if the number of participants had been controlled depending on the collection points.

Apparently, according to his hypothesis, the information from the tourist agencies did not reach the database in time, "there was no idea of the number of people to be transported even though they had millions of pesos at their side."

His bus allegedly arrived at approximately 2:00 pm.

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