Rehearsal is being prepared in Cuba to break the Guinness record for the largest Casino Wheel in the world

In May they tried but they didn't succeed. Now they are back to the fray to dethrone Venezuela.

Ensayo de rueda de casino gigante en Cuba © Captura de imagen en YouTube
Giant casino wheel trial in Cuba Photo © Image capture on YouTube

Cuban dancers, supported by cultural institutions, prepare to break the Guinness record for the Casino Wheel biggest in the world.

The attempt to break this record occurs in a context of extreme economic crisis in Cuba. Many people doubt that just having the desire to dance can lead to victory, because a casino wheel like this requires a display of resources that the country does not have.

Facebook Cubavision International

Cubavision International said this Thursday that the Cuban project "is preparing to opt for the Next year's Guinness".

The rehearsal will be on Saturday September 30th in the La Piragua square, in it Havana boardwalk. They will have support from the Ministry of Culture, the National Council of Houses of Culture and the government of the Plaza de la Revolución municipality.

In addition to the gigantic casino wheel in the Cuban capital, there will be a network of dancers performing in different cities across the country.

He Guinness record for the largest Casino Wheel in the world has it Venezuela. In January 2023, this achievement was recognized after he had people dancing in Caracas. 1,585 people, in a choreography synchronized with salsa music.

The Venezuelan organization Returning to the Son "Bailando Casino" made its official presentation on November 27, 2022 and took the precious title.

In May the Cuban dancers tried to break this Guinness record, on the eve of National Son Day. The official press said that a giant circle would be organized with dancers from the capital cities of all the country's provinces.

They failed to overcome the Venezuelans and now they are back at it with a new essay to try to bring this award home.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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