Paris Hilton announces that she has become a mother for the second time through surrogacy

The family grows! The rich heiress becomes a mother again ten months after welcoming her son Phoenix.

Paris Hilton con su marido y su hijo © Instagram / Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton with her husband and son Photo © Instagram / Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton has become a mother for the second time with her husband, businessman Carter Reum, through surrogacy.

It's barely been ten months since The couple welcomed Phoenix, the couple's first child., which was also conceived through a surrogate. A method that they have resorted to again to become parents again, of a girl this time.

The news was announced through a photo that the rich heiress uploaded to her Instagram profile, where she posted an image in which a pink outfit appears that reads the name they chose for her: London.

Apparently, Paris Hilton didn't have to think much about the name, as she always wanted to call her daughter that. This is what she herself recognized this same year. "I would really like Phoenix to have a little sister one day named London. It's my favorite city," he confessed, adding that that name had been on his mind for more than a decade.

"Grateful for my little baby", wrote the businesswoman when publishing this tender snapshot, which she took advantage of on Thanksgiving Day to inform the world of the arrival of her daughter.

!! Congratulations!!

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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