Huge Burmese python captured in Florida

It was a 10-foot, 60-pound Burmese python that was in a home in Fort Myers, a city in Lee County.

Dos cazadores con la pitón capturada © Seth Brattain / Facebook
Two hunters with the captured python Foto © Seth Brattain / Facebook

Two Florida python hunters captured a 10-foot (3,048-meter) specimen that was found in a house in Fort Myers, a city located in Lee County.

On Wednesday afternoon, Jane Spencer, the homeowner, saw the reptile slithering into a small retention pond about 20 feet from her backyard and immediately called hunters.

It was a 60-pound Burmese python.

"I call it freestyle. As we got closer, he started plummeting into the water, and at that point we just went for it," he toldLocal 10 Seth Brattain, owner of Sleth Reptiles, an animal capture and removal service.

Brattain and his partner had a hard time putting the rope around its head, as the animal resisted quite a bit.

"He was doing this act and all of a sudden he bolted into the lake, so we literally got rid of the sticks, jumped up and had our backsides like this, and we were both struggling to fight it. We pulled him out. As soon as he was free, it happened. "He turned around and came straight at me. At the same time, I slipped and lost control. He's right at my feet! I jumped up here, grabbed my tongs, turned around, grabbed him by the head and that was it," Jesse added. Richards, technician at Sleth Reptiles.

In November, a group of python huntersThey captured the second largest snake ever caught in Florida since there are records.

"It's officially 17'2 and weighs 198 pounds. This snake ate a lot of native wildlife to get so big. It ate its last meal. It took five of us to control it, glad to have removed it from our Everglades where it can no longer eat our wildlife," Mike Elfenbein, a Florida hunter, said on Instagram.

Elfenbein, Cypress director of the Izaak Walton League of America, a conservation organization, said it took five men to remove the female reptile from the swamp in the Big Cypress National Preserve.

The men found remains of a deer in its stomach, including hooves and bones.

In June 2022, Florida biologists captured theLargest python found so far in the Sunshine State.

The animal, a female, measured almost 18 feet (5.49 meters), weighed 215 pounds (97 kilos) and stored 122 eggs in its abdomen, a number that is also a record.

According to the information, when performing the necropsy they found 122 eggs. The figure is a record for the number of eggs that a python can produce in its reproductive cycle.

After analyzing its digestive contents, they found "hoof cores" that belonged to an adult deer, its last meal.

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