Giving birth in the United States and Cuba according to Laura Treto

The actress staged the harsh reality that many mothers on the island have gone through.

Humor is often the most appropriate way to make criticisms andLaura Treto knows how to take advantage of it. The Cuban actress starred in a sketch on Instagram in which she exposesWhat is it like to give birth in the United States and in Cuba?.

In the United States, the most important thing is that the mother feels calm at the time of childbirth and that it isas least traumatic and painful as possible, the care is very good, and there are even diapers for newborns.

In Cuba it is very different and Laura stagedthe harsh reality that many mothers on the island have gone through: the lack of minimum hygiene conditions in hospitals, the dirt in the bathrooms that reaches indescribable levels and the lack of all types of medical supplies that patients are forced to bring to be treated.

As if that were not enough, to all of the above is added themistreatment of medical staff,their lack of professionalism andtotal absence of humanized births.

Dozens of comments were generated by Laura's video, many of them fromCuban women who have experienced situations of obstetric violence in their country at the time of bringing their children into the world.

“What abuses there are with pregnant women in Cuba who treat them badly, not to mention the conditions of the hospital”; “You laugh, but it's shit. “God level obstetric violence”; “The sad reality of Cuba, one laughs, but it's stupid”; “My God, those of us who gave birth in Cuba are tough”; “What courage you have to have to give birth in Cuba”; “In Cuba they give you the child along with a cockroach”; “One laughs but that's how it is. Medical care in Cuba is precarious”; “Because of things like that I have not given birth,” several Internet users wrote.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment