Aldo El Aldeano reacts to El Carli's shootout against El Taiger

El Carli has shared the conversation he had with Aldo El Aldeano after launching the tirade "La Gatica de mi zona" against El Taiger

Aldo The Villager, The Taiger, The Carli Photo © Instagram / Aldo El Aldeano, El Taiger, El Carli

A new confrontation is shaking the world of Cuban music: that of El Carli and El Taiger, which has led the first to dedicate a tiradera to the second. And as usually happens when this type of controversy occurs, other artists are reacting to the song"La Gatica in my area", as is the case of Aldo El Aldeano.

The Cuban rapper reacted to El Carli's song by writing directly to the singer to show his support through a message he wrote privately on Instagram. A conversation in which the interpreter of "Lágrimas de Champán" has made us participate, deleting some words.

"You killed him asere. Health and joy my bro", Aldo wrote to him. Some words that El Carli has received with great gratitude, as he expressed in the story he uploaded.

"When you are the best in the world and we recognize the talent of a little fighting kid. Thank you asere. You don't know how much the talk we had today is worth. I wish you the best in the world. Health and long life", he commented, implying that after that exchange the conversation between them continued.

Instagram screenshot

It should be noted that Aldo El Aldeano and El Carli are currently united by the confrontation they each have against El Taiger. Both Cuban singers are in full war with José Manuel Carvajal and for many days they have not stopped throwing darts at him through social networks. In addition, Aldo announced days ago that he has his own strip prepared for the interpreter of "The Story."

Here, we leave you the El Carli shooter:

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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