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Authorities threaten to evict mother with eight-year-old daughter in Havana

Cuban Edelvis Reina Fonseca del Toro reported that the authorities are threatening to evict her and her little daughter from the wooden room she built on abandoned land that has been converted into a garbage dump, in San Miguel del Padrón.

The CubanEdelvis Reina Fonseca del Toro, mother of an eight-year-old girl, reported that the authoritiesThey threaten to evict her and demolish the small rustic house that he built with his own efforts, in the San Miguel del Padrón municipality, in Havana.

Fonseca, 51, built a room with wood and zinc sheets, about two months ago, in the Las Yaguas neighborhood, in the Cuncuní neighborhood, where he lives with his daughter, the newspaper reported.CubaNet.

Officials from the Municipal Directorate of Physical Planning of San Miguel del Padrón have repeatedly ordered them to leave the place and threatened to evict them if they do not leave.

I have not taken anything from anyone. This was a garbage dump, which I cleaned with my effort“says the Cuban mother. “I built my little house and here I am with my daughter, because I have nowhere to be and I'm not going to go under a bridge.”

I left the East looking for a better life for my daughter and me, because in the East there is no life", he claimed. “There the children are studying practically for pleasure because, at least where I lived, there is no work for anyone.”

The woman arrived in Havana from Contramaestre, province of Santiago de Cuba, and rented a home in the capital, until the owner demanded that she leave the property. So, Fonseca was forced to look for a place to live.

“I took the little money I had saved, bought zinc tiles and the boards and built this little ranch so I could live,” he toldCubaNet. “But after a month or two the inspectors started visiting me to tell me that I had to get out of here, that they would give me a week to get out and that, if I didn't, then they were going to give me a fine.”

When he did not leave the scene, the inspectors returned to his home. “They came back to threaten me that they were going to knock down my house. I explained to them that it is just my daughter and I, that unfortunately we have nowhere to go, that if I had I would have left a long time ago," she denounced.

According to her testimony, she was in Physical Planning and the officials informed her that she herself had to dismantle her house and leave the place.

Fonseca questioned the actions of government authorities, whichThey justify their eviction with the pretext that the land is property of the State, but when it was a landfill, before she moved there, “no one cared about this piece of land.”.

Distressed and at the same time determined not to be evicted, she told the reporter: “I'm not sleeping, I'm not eating, becauseit is not easy to live under threat. I know that at any moment they can arrive and there will be a problem, because I am not going to let anyone touch a board in my house or knock down my roof.”

The Cuban mother questioned the Cuban regime that in its political propaganda makes a show of prioritizing children's well-being, while the facts demonstrate another reality.

That children are priority?! No. "If they want to take me out of here with a girl, and instead of helping me, what they are doing is sinking me," he lamented. “What are they doing with this? “Just destroying me.”

“Where am I going to put that girl? Am I going to take her under a bridge to live with me? "I can't do that," the woman said through tears. “I don't bother the State here at all, I don't take anything away from it.”

Fonseca faces the same desperate situation as other Cuban mothers,threatened with imminent eviction by government authorities, for occupying state premises or having built their homes on land owned by the State.

Others have beenevicted with their children and taken to their provinces of origin, from where they emigrated to the Cuban capital in search of a better life.

Since 2020, the Cuban regime made it known that it would undertake acrusade against illegal constructions in Cuba, known as “arrive and put”.

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