Young Cuban is the "Best oyster opener in Spain" in 2024

The young man won the first prize. The jury evaluated their work very highly based on several indicators.

A young Cuban won first prize in the XVI Spanish Écailleurs Sorlut Oyster Opener Championship, in the 37th edition of the Gourmet Show in Madrid.

Luis Flavio Amor was crowned as best oyster opener in Spain, a specialty that requires skills, neatness and a lot of speed to overcome experienced opponents.

The Cuban managed to open 30 top quality oysters, of French origin, from the supplier "Daniel Sorlut", in just 3 minutes and 31 seconds.

Oysters are a delicacy that is not affordable for all budgets, nor is it to the taste of all palates. It is a delicate, gourmet product. Few people have the ability to open them quickly and efficiently, without leaving traces of mother-of-pearl or grains of sand that bother the diner.

The young Cuban faced five opponents. The jury evaluated each of the participants indicators such as the quality of the product, the way it is treated, the cleanliness when opening the oysters, the ease with which the meat is separated from the shell and the final presentation to the customer.

Millions of Cubans have never tasted an oyster in their lives, some even just seeing them say they would not eat them, but they are a true seafood delight.

They are not known in Cuba, but they have brought a pleasant surprise to the island after learning that a Cuban is the best oyster opener in Spain in 2024.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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