They announce the sale of internal combustion engine units through the Ticket application

The price of the 125 CC Taeko brand internal combustion engine units will be 850 USD. In 2020, the same product cost 550 USD.

Motoristas. Imagen de referencia. © CiberCuba
Motorists. Reference image. Photo © CiberCuba

The Cuban company Automotive Services S.A. announced that starting this Monday the marketing of motorcycle units will be carried out through the application Ticket.

Initially, they will be sold 125 CC units, brand Taeko, in the La Palma stores, in Havana, as well as in establishments located in Villa Clara, Caibarién and Holguín, reported in the entity, also known as SASA.

Capture of Facebook / ServiciosautomotoresCuba

The company explained that the businesses must be visible in the Ticket application starting at 2:00 pm this Monday, and that users can find the stores using the word "SASA" in the search engine, in addition to filtering by province and municipality .

In the brief statement he warned that having an appointment in the Ticket application It is not a guarantee of the sale of the unit.

In this regard, he emphasized that the product is marketed against documentation, which must be current, and stressed that, if the established requirements are not met, the right to buy is lost.

In the published infographic, the entity warns that interested parties must be registered in the payment gateway EnZona, limiting a considerable number of people to access this product.

He also warned that users must register in the Ticket application and purchase a subscription plan, in addition to “keeping an eye on our communication channels.”

Among the requirements to access the motorcycle units, he mentioned that it is mandatory to present the annex two to make conversions and changes, issued by the Provincial Transportation Directorate of each territory, if they are not the same make and model of the vehicle.

Interested parties must also carry the circulation of the means of transport, and a power of attorney if they are not the owner.

Although the company did not specify the price of the product, in the comments on its Facebook page it noted that It would cost 850 USD, a notable increase that did not go unnoticed among Internet users.

Capture of Facebook / ServiciosautomotoresCuba

In the year 2020, when the sale of motorcycle units resumed in Cuba, the 125 CC Taeko brand product was priced at $550, and four years later increased its value by 300 USD.

Ramon Cutiño commented: “Didn't the 125 CC cost 550 USD? Since when did they increase 300 USD?

Another person by the name of Pablo Legrá Pérez warned: “They are putting an end to prices, as you can see they have no competition”, denouncing again how the price policy works in Cuba in those companies that maintain a strict monopoly.

In the middle of the current economic crisis affecting Cuba, worsened in recent years, people suffer when moving from one point to another, hence those who can, try to have your own means of transportation.

The Cuban leader Miguel Diaz-Canel Last April, he recognized the disastrous transportation situation in Cuba but stated that it was a phenomenon linked to the global crisis.

During the Youtube program “From the Presidency”, which he himself presents, the ruler stated that the sector is in the "worst moments in recent years."

In this broadcast he also recognized that state public transportation today transports less than half as many passengers as it did five years ago, from 5.9 million passengers a day to just 2.7.

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