A Cuban woman who is in Brazil denounced the xenophobic treatment she received from a compatriot in a market in that country.
"There is no worse chip than the one from the same stick," the user of TikTok identified as YaiCubaBrasil in a video shared on her account.
The event occurred last year, when she had just arrived in the country.
Upon entering the market, the young woman saw a cashier speaking in Spanish and from her accent she realized where she was coming from. When he went to pay, he asked him - in Spanish - to explain how a local campaign worked since he did not know how it worked.
"When she realized that I was Cuban, she looked at me and said: 'Excuse me, but I didn't understand what you told me,'" Yai said.
The cashier called a supervisor to help the young woman because she supposedly did not understand her.
"She thought she was intelligent, but I thought I was a little more intelligent than her, and I told the lady, in Portuguese: 'I really don't understand how she can say that she doesn't understand me if she is as Cuban as me'" , he detailed.
"At that moment I went completely crazy, because I said: 'how can people be that way with ourselves, who are from our country,'" she questioned in amazement.
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