New unlocked haircut: Mily Alemán surprises with a spectacular change of look

What do you think? Long or short?

A shower of compliments and applause for the change, Mily Alemán has earned by sharing a video showing off a new, and flattering, haircut.

New unlocked haircut. "A woman cutting her hair is about to change the game," wrote Alexander Delgado's partner on her social media while showing off her fresh and more youthful appearance and how well the bob cut suits her.

Among the nearly 600 messages that were piling up on the post just 15 hours after it was shared, some from celebrities and fellow countrymen in the entertainment world praised the successful change.

"Omg you look beautiful," Camila Guiribitey said; "Wow," reacted Samantha Espiñeira; "Love it," added the Spanish model and wife of Luis Fonsi, Águeda López.

Among the more than 12 thousand likes, the one from Alexander Delgado was not missing either.

What do you think? Long or short? Which one do you think suits them best?

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