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"Beautiful, mysterious, wild and free!": Mily Alemán's pose in the sea that captivated the networks

For this session Mily chose a loose green dress with bare shoulders that contrasts perfectly with the rocks and sea of Miami Beach.

Mily Alemán © Instagram / Mily Alemán
Mily Alemán Photo © Instagram / Mily Alemán

Mily Alemán He has captivated his followers on social media; From the sea the model and designer posed for the cameras looking simply wonderful.

“The ocean is everything I want to be…Beautiful, mysterious, wild and free!“A Pisces in her element...!” she wrote on her Instagram along with the photos.

For this sessionMily chose a loose green dress with bare shoulders which contrasts perfectly with the rocks and sea of Miami Beach.

A smile was not needed on her part, because each pose and look of the young woman conveyeda kind of enigma that captivates greatly.

As expected, the compliments from his followers were quick to praise him.the beauty and naturalness of Mily.

“That natural mystery of your being as a woman is only unique and divine. A true goddess of human nature called You”; “Wow, what spectacular photos and the green suited you like a glove”; “Reaffirming its class, its elegance and its beauty”; “The most beautiful in this world”;“Glamour and elegance in a single being. A complete goddess"; “What beautiful photos Mily, simply beautiful”; “Always inspiring us to believe in our power,” were just some of the reactions that his snapshots provoked.

Just a few days ago Mily and Kuki, the eldest daughter of her partner Alexander Delgado,They posed in swimsuits from the waters of Miami, another occasion in which the model was showered with praise.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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