INDER dismisses JIT director for "abuse of power" and "mistreatment".

A commission from the main sports agency of the Cuban regime investigated the complaint made by journalist Eyleen Ríos, and decided to remove Rudens Tembrás from his position. Tembrás appealed the decision as a way to avoid losing his trip to Paris 2024.

Rudens Tembrás en el programa oficialista “Mesa Redonda” © Perfil de Facebook/Rudens Tembrás Arcia
Rudens Tembrás in the official program "Round Table"Photo © Facebook Profile/Rudens Tembrás Arcia

A bombshell rocks the journalistic scene in Cuba: Rudens Tembrás was removed from his position as director of the JIT newspaper by the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education, and Recreation (INDER), due to "abuse of power" and "mistreatment," confirmed a source to CiberCuba.

Under the condition of anonymity, the person recounted part of Tembrás' current ordeal: "It all started with the complaint filed by Eyleen Ríos, also a communicator and one of his subordinates. She lodged the complaint with the first vice president of INDER, Raúl Fornés, and also brought the case to the Union of Journalists (UPEC) and its Ethics Commission."

Amid many comments in the hallways of the Coliseum at the Ciudad Deportiva in Havana, INDER created an investigating committee and the results could not have been worse for the former executive with a background in the officialist magazine Trabajadores.

They interviewed several workers and all of them were in favor of Eyleen. She was too much in several ways. Notice that they removed her from the position and she can't have anything to do with the media itself," he elaborated.

Currently, Tembrás works as a communication specialist at INDER and appealed the decision to buy time and keep his position on the press team for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, a group that includes Eyleen Ríos herself, head of communication for the Cuban Athletics Federation.

The same source added that they have not appointed anyone to the position, but the name of Oscar Sánchez Serra, current deputy director of the official newspaper Granma, is timidly mentioned.

A few days ago, an audio leaked by the Swing Completo portal also went viral, revealing the opinion of sports commentator Renier González on Cuban fans and baseball players, following several episodes of violence experienced in the current National Baseball Series.

"Here people seem to be afraid of the fans. What's up with that? Fans know a lot about baseball! They always side with the weaker team. The Series is crap! The players are worse than the referees!", he was heard saying in the shared recording.

The team managers participating in the Series were not spared from his criticisms either. "They send the third batter to bunt after the first and second have reached base, and no one says anything! So, what the hell are we talking about? They're a bunch of idiots!"

González's absence from his usual programs sparked various comments, but journalist Carlos Hernández Luján said during a recent episode of the program "Bola Viva" that "he is simply resting at home" and requested that there not be a "second interpretation."

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