A Cuban plucks a black-feathered chicken in a park in Villa Clara to make a stew.

Faced with the worsening of the economic crisis in Cuba, some people resort to extreme eating practices.

A Cuban resident in the municipality of Manicaragua, in the province of Villa Clara, plucked a turkey vulture stating that with that bird the "best caldosa" is made.

A person who goes by the name yosvanmunoz on the social network TikTok posted a video this Saturday showing an older man plucking a tinged aura in the park called La Chispa.

This article contains descriptions and images that may be disturbing to some readers. It includes graphic content about the process of preparing animals for consumption. Viewer discretion is advised.

"I completely skin it, I pass it through fire, through wood, I burn all its feathers, remove the innards, and I do it in a broth," said the man as the video shows him preparing the bird to be cooked.

In plain sight, without caring at all, the man pointed and said, "The most delicious broths in the world are those, got it?"

When the economic crisis worsens in Cuba and seriously affects people's food supply, especially vulnerable groups, some people resort to extreme practices such as consuming cats, dogs, and even charred auras as the only means of survival.

Last November, a Cuban resident in the municipality of Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba, hunted a crested caracara, cooked it, and ate it.

This article contains descriptions and images that may be disturbing to some readers. It includes graphic content about the process of preparing animals for consumption. Viewer discretion is advised.

Screenshot from Facebook / Jeissy Borrell Gámez

Jeissy Borrell Gámez, a native of Santiago and resident in Houston, United States, shared several photos and a video that were sent to her, in which the man, known as El Nene, is seen showing the bird to several people on the street.

"If you eat that aura, you are an aura," a woman tells him, to which he just laughs and walks away.

Recently, several posts circulated on social media about the sacrifice of dogs to sell their meat in some areas of Mayabeque, which led the government to speak out on the matter.

An informative note signed by the Ministry of Agriculture referred to incidents against animal welfare that occurred in the municipality of San José de las Lajas.

The government statement focused on condemning the "massacre of dogs in that territory," which they described as "violating all the norms of Health and Animal Welfare, violating the ethical and moral principles of our society."

According to the report, the Ministry of Agriculture strongly condemned this incident, which they described as regrettable, and informed that the corresponding investigations would be carried out through the National Center of Animal Health (CENASA).

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