Final stretch of the electoral campaign in Mexico: Candidate Xóchitl Gálvez attacks again the hiring of Cuban doctors

The presidential candidate of Mexico, Xóchitl Gálvez, once again denounced that the current government is financing the Cuban regime through the hiring of doctors.

With less than a week remaining until the presidential elections in Mexico, which will be held on June 2nd, opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez posted a video on her social networks in which she once again criticizes the hiring of Cuban doctors by the current government.

Gálvez, from the opposition coalition Fuerza y Corazón por México, said on Facebook that "the Cuban doctors' mission was to finance the regime," harshly criticizing the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) from the party Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) and the political initiative known as the "fourth transformation" or "4T."

"With me, that will come to an end," emphasized Gálvez, who denounced that the government of AMLO brought the Cuban doctors as a pretext, "because they are paid a pittance and all the money goes to the Cuban regime."

Criticism of the López Obrador government for the policy of bringing Cuban doctors to Mexico has been a cornerstone of the opponent's campaign, who has emphasized on multiple occasions that her country is financing the Caribbean dictatorship.

"In Mexico, there are a lot of good doctors, we need to increase the number of specialty positions," Gálvez stated, pointing out that the solution lies in encouraging the training of more orthopedists, cardiologists, pediatricians, and surgeons.

"There is talent in Mexico, we do not need Cuban doctors," he emphasized.

Additionally, the opposition member stated that it is necessary to be concerned about national doctors, pointing out that there are many unemployed ones.

In this regard, he expressed that "we must give them the opportunity to enter specialties, hire them, and pay them well so they are willing to work in rural areas."

Recently, during the latest debate ahead of the presidential elections, the candidate promised to "restore order" at Mexico's southern border if she wins the elections.

It must be very clear that today the southern border is in the hands of criminals, today criminals control migration, and that is very serious," reported Telemundo 51.

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