In Villa Clara, they mourn the passing of Dr. Nancy Duquesne García.

Doctor Nancy Duquesne García's passion for medicine was so great that it inspired her daughter to follow the same professional path.

Doctora Nancy Duquesne junto a su familia. © Facebook / Nancy Duquesne
Doctor Nancy Duquesne with her family.Photo © Facebook / Nancy Duquesne

The passing of the prominent doctor Nancy Duquesne García, who for many years led the ophthalmology service at the Arnaldo Milián Castro hospital, has been deeply felt in Villa Clara, as reported by official sources this Saturday.

The doctor specialized in second-degree ophthalmology and was an assistant professor. She enjoyed the prestige and recognition of her colleagues, patients, and students," the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara posted on Facebook.

Facebook screenshot / University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara

The statement specified that Duquesne was in charge of the ophthalmology service at Arnaldo Milián Castro Hospital for many years, "a specialty to which he dedicated his life with deep commitment."

In addition, the doctor stood out both in medical care and in the training of generations of professionals. She participated in various medical missions and contributed to the training of professionals in other countries.

Duquesne had a deep passion for medicine and his specialty, which inspired his daughter to follow in his footsteps, also becoming an excellent specialist, as stated in the article.

The community of the University of Medical Sciences in Villa Clara regrets bidding a farewell to Professor Duquesne, a paradigm of teaching and ophthalmology in Villa Clara," he pointed out.

A person named José Guillermo Martínez Urbay expressed his condolences on Facebook for the death of the doctor, mentioning that she had been living in Havana for some time.

Facebook screenshot / José Guillermo Martínez Urbay

"May the hug reach the sky, the gratitude, the respect, and the affection I have for her," he said with deep sorrow, while offering his condolences to the daughter, granddaughter, and husband of the doctor.

Recently, the death of the prominent doctor Silvia Carlota Jústiz Hernández, who dedicated more than six decades to pediatric pulmonology, caused shock in Santiago de Cuba.

Facebook screenshot / Santiago de Cuba Provincial Health Department

"With deep sadness, we announce the passing of Dr. Silvia Carlota Jústiz Hernández, a distinguished pediatrician and teacher of generations, with over 60 years devoted entirely to the noble task of saving lives," posted the provincial health department of Santiago de Cuba on Facebook.

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