Ms. Dayana's partner recovers after complex surgery in Miami: "We are starting to get through this."

A few months ago, Mario Cedeño suffered an accident that caused him severe injuries in different parts of his body: cervical, spine, shoulder, and ankles.

Pareja de Srta Dayana se recupera tras cirugía © Instagram / Mario Cedeño
Ms. Dayana's partner recovers after surgeryPhoto © Instagram / Mario Cedeño

Mario Cedeño, Mrta Dayana's partner, is recovering after a complex spine surgery in Miami, where they had to have an implant in their vertebrae.

In a post on Instagram, Mario shared that he had to undergo this procedure as a result of a traffic accident he suffered a few months ago.

My people, thank God I am recovering. Several months ago, I had a serious traffic accident in which I almost lost my life. Thanks to God, I am alive. A speeding truck rear-ended me, causing significant injuries in various parts of my body - cervical, spine, shoulder, ankles. Today, they had to implant vertebrae 5 and 6 as they were affected, and I am recovering from that surgery," he explained.

Along with several photos with Srta Dayana and her doctor, as well as of the moment of the surgery, she thanked the doctor who was in charge of this surgical procedure and her family for supporting her at all times.

I need to recover, and it won't be the same because these injuries are for a lifetime, and I will have to limit myself in many things that from now on I won't be able to do like in the past. But thanks to God, I am alive, enjoying my family, my daughter, and my wife. They always give me all the strength in the world to continue in a moment like this. What would I do without these two people who are what I love the most in life?" he added in his post on that social network.

Instagram screenshot / Srta Dayana

On her part, Miss Dayana also thanked the healthcare personnel in her Instagram stories and with great confidence in her husband's recovery, she added: "We are already getting through this! Thank God."

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Deneb González

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba.

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor at CiberCuba Entertainment