TikToker shares what he loves about the United States: "You can go in pajamas and no one will judge you."

TikToker reflects on people in the United States.

A young Spanish woman living in the United States shared a reflection about the United States on TikTok that has gone viral. According to the experience of Mariona Falomi Silla (@marionsfalomi), people in the United States care little about the lives of others.

There is one thing about the United States that I love, and it's how little people care about your life. In Spain, we are gossipy. We always have to get involved in everything. If you dress differently, we look you up and down. If you eat a lot because you eat a lot, the same if you eat little. Here they don't care. It matters very little to them. If one day you want to dress like the queen of the world and dress elegantly, you do it, and if the next day you want to go out in pajamas because you're feeling unwell, no one is going to judge you. In Spain, we should learn, enough of judging people so much," said the young woman.

"I love that they have no prejudices about skin color," "I go to the supermarket in pajamas, with a ripped shirt, no one cares, it's great," "The same in Cuba," or "Ideal, going out on the street in pajamas, wonderful," are some of the comments that can be read alongside the video of this Spanish TikToker.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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