Yerlín Pérez: "If I was able to put my life in a suitcase, nothing and nobody scares me anymore."

With messages of blessings and affection, his followers reacted.

The Cuban actress Yerlín Pérez has received warm support from her followers on the Internet and messages of affection when sharing a video where she is seen in a reflective pose, sitting on the grass.

"If I was able to fit my life into a suitcase, nothing and no one scares me anymore," she wrote about the video in which the song "García" by the Puerto Rican singer-songwriter Kany García plays in the background.

With good wishes, blessings, sharing their own experiences, and wishing very good things, the followers reacted to the post.

"Breathe deeply because in the end everything is temporary, tomorrow will be beautiful"; "My favorite actress"; "Very hard for those of us who had to leave many things behind but everything has a purpose. God's timing is perfect"; "Many of us identify with that song"; "Let it be known, be strong because many of us are in the same situation, but as Cubans, we move forward"; "That's how so many of us identify"; "It's true, it's not easy to pack a whole life in a suitcase but God gives battle to his best warriors, so keep moving forward"; "Tell me about it, packing 62 years in a suitcase and here I am, aimless, but you are young and everything is temporary. Cheer up"; "Many of us have packed our life and dreams in a suitcase. There is still a long way to go"; "I take my hat off to you. God bless you"; "Tomorrow will always be beautiful, even on the grayest days, smile and look ahead"; "Many of us are in the same situation, it's very tough"; "Many blessings for a wonderful actress from my wonderful country"; "Likewise, I came on a boat with my husband and daughter, and now nothing and no one intimidates me, all that is left is to fight and look forward"; "We have all gone through those tough moments in life, but we have to keep fighting. God is in control of us immigrants"; "We all go through that, it hurts but soon you will be convinced it was the best decision"; "It's like being born again, that's how many of us are feeling," messages poured in to support her.

In 2022, after spending three months in Mexico and then crossing the northern border of that country into the United States, Yerlín arrived in Miami, where she reunited with her son.

Since moving to a new place of residence, Yerlín has been involved in several acting projects, some of the most recent ones for Pronyr TV. Besides, she has experienced sweet and special moments on a sentimental level, like when she got married to her partner in Miami last February.

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