Two Cuban guajiras in Miami? A premiere series that you cannot miss

Yerlín Pérez and Gelliset Valdés, with their characters Artura and Felipa, star in the new PRONYR TV series "Guajiras.con".

This month, PRONY TV brings a bold and entertaining proposal with the launch of its New serie Guajiras.con. Created with a clever touch of humor and suspense, this comedy promises to capture the attention of lovers of tangled and funny plots.

Yerlín Pérez and Gelliset Valdés will give life to two witty guajiras from Paso Diez who arrive in Miami from Mexico, Arthur and Philip, characters well known to the Cuban public, who this time will enter, without even knowing it, into the world of espionage and criminal investigation.

Courtesy / PRONYR TV

The story behind Guajiras.con

Two individuals with unusual appearances and accents unexpectedly become the focus of attention of the secret services. Who are these women and what mysteries do they contain?, this is the starting point of Guajiras.con.

Iván Delgado and Roberto Gil, two experienced security agents, are summoned to solve a high priority case. Their mission takes them to a bunker where they meet Felipa and Artura, masterfully played by Yerlín and Gelliset. The agents begin to suspect that These two women could be linked to acts of terrorism and organized crime.

Courtesy / PRONYR TV

In addition to Yerlín and Gelliset, other renowned artists perform in this series such as Leonardo Santiesteban, Victor Jose Rojas, Rodolfo Faxas, Zulema Cruz, Rey Onay Sánchez, Yia Caamaño, among others.

What makes unique Guajiras.con

This series is not just another spy drama, but a comedy that incorporates certain elements of suspense.

Felipa and Artura will star in inconceivable situations, but in each of them there will be a lot of entanglements, moments of great tension, but with a great load of humor that will keep the viewers waiting for each new episode.

Courtesy / PRONYR TV

If you are looking for something different for your next series choice, Guajiras.con It is the perfect option. It will not only hook you with its unexpected twists, but also with its humorous touch and the chemistry of Yerlín Pérez and Gelliset Valdés on screen.

Accompanying Felipa and Artura on their adventures is very easy, you just have to download the PRONYR TV application and stay tuned every Friday night for the premiere of new episodes on this platform.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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