Horse causes accident on road in Holguín, leaving several injured.

Those involved in the accident are in intensive care with life-threatening injuries, as reported by several users on social media.

Accidente ocurrido en la carretera de Guardalavaca © Facebook / Irma Broek
Accident occurred on the Guardalavaca highway.Photo © Facebook / Irma Broek

A horse on the road caused an accident this Saturday on the Guardalavaca highway, at the Rafael Freyre municipality in the province of Holguin, as reported by several users on social media.

Irma Broek shared on Facebook images of the accident and reported that those involved were in intensive care with life-threatening injuries, although the exact number of wounded was not specified.

Facebook screenshot / Irma Broek

In the images, a white vehicle with the front severely damaged is observed, as well as the roof and doors.

Pedro Domínguez, a member of the Facebook group "Accidents, Buses & Trucks for more experience and fewer victims," specified that the incident occurred on the road from the beach, exactly at the curve after Cochico, in front of the former entrance to Rafael Freyre.

Recently, on the same road, another accident occurred in which three young people died instantly and one was seriously injured. The incident took place as they were returning from a concert given by the reggaeton singer Yomil Hidalgo at Club Bariay in Holguín.

Also in this province, but this time in the municipality of Mayarí, a traffic accident occurred which resulted in one fatality and nine injuries, including a six-month-old child.

The accident occurred in the vicinity of Cabonico in Mayarí, after eleven in the morning, according to Facebook user Emilio Rodríguez Pupo.

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