A Cuban hairdresser has sparked a debate on TikTok after claiming that women in Cuba have better hair than those living in the United States. This assertion has resonated with hundreds of women in the comments of the video posted by Maite (@salonmaite).
"I have hundreds of comments that agree. In the United States, their hair is worse than when they lived in Cuba. There, they used any brand of shampoo, and when they get here, they start using expensive brands, yet their hair still looks terrible. In Cuba, they use a one-dollar shampoo and have beautiful hair, and here, even the weather is on their side, but despite that, their hair looks damaged. I know that water plays a role; but I want you to tell me if you are experiencing the same thing," said this Cuban in a TikTok video that has gone viral, leading to countless comments from women who share the same experience.
"I completely agree with you, and I do believe that water has about an 80% impact on hair changes," "You are absolutely right," "I thought it was just me; I always used all the Garnier products in Cuba and always had long, beautiful hair. Here, I use the same products, and it's nothing like it was before," "I have the same experience, and I know friends who go through the same thing," or "I feel the same way; you are spot on." These are just some of the hundreds of comments seen alongside Maite's video.
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