They ask for help to raise 16 thousand pesos to operate a puppy with a fracture after falling down a staircase.

The puppy requires a surgical procedure that costs 16,500 pesos.

Perrita con fractura © Collage Facebook / Yenney Caballero
Dog with a fracturePhoto © Collage Facebook / Yenney Caballero

An animal rescue organization requested help this Sunday to raise the 16,500 pesos needed to operate on a female dog that suffered a radial and cubital fracture after falling down a flight of stairs.

Yenney Caballero shared on Facebook the post where she showed the injured female dog and informed that: "We need to stabilize with fixators that are left for four weeks."

Facebook screenshot / Yenney Caballero

According to Caballero, the operation, scheduled for this Monday at 4:00 PM, requires collecting 16,500 pesos to cover the necessary medications, including antibiotics and postoperative anti-inflammatories, for seven days, so he made a call to people to gather the money.

"In these cases of operation, we must come together, the important thing is to achieve a positive result," noted the activist, who has previously shown herself to be a staunch defender of the rights and well-being of pets.

Recently, an animal shelter in the province of Villa Clara asked for help on social media for a dog that suffered a spinal fracture.

Facebook screenshot / Daime Pérez Ramírez

"You deserve all the beauty in this world, my Milagros," said Daime Perez Ramirez in the Facebook group Animal Protection Society in Cuba, while asking for help with diapers, Desitin cream, wet wipes, and any contribution for the recovery of the puppy.

The scarcity that affects Cubans hits pets harder, as their owners often find themselves unable to provide them with food.

That situation forced two elderly people, who manage an animal shelter in Sancti Spiritus, to ask for help on social media in order to feed the 20 dogs they care for.

Facebook screenshot / ARCA Sancti Spiritus Foundation

The ARCA Sancti Spíritus Foundation published a message on Facebook informing that Esperanza and Guillén, in charge of the shelter, had gone 15 days without receiving the allocated food quota, which prompted their request for help.

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