A large family, consisting of a mother and her three young children, who lived in precarious conditions in the Holguin municipality of Sagua de Tánamo, received the keys to a decent home with great joy this Monday, facilitated by a group of Cuban activists.
"There are news items that, even if you're prepared to hear them, it feels very different when you actually experience them. Today was one of those days," said Deysi Columbié Hernández on Facebook, a young mother who acknowledged that she had been praying for a solution for her family for years, while also enduring broken dreams, lies, and false promises.
Columbié expressed gratitude to those she referred to as “the invisible ones,” noting that “I only saw the phone number.” This comment was in reference to those who contributed the funds that will now allow her and her three underage children to leave the precarious housing they were living in, which would flood with wastewater.
It seems you haven't provided any text to translate. Please share the text you'd like to have translated, and I'll be happy to assist you!Each person who shared a little bit: a thousand thanks.“God bless you forever,” he said.
The activist Johanna Jolá Alvarez, one of the leading advocates for the initiative to secure decent housing for this Cuban family, expressed her joy on Facebook: “We did it! Together, with a few of us, we once again achieved what is so greatly needed.”
"Among Cubans here, there, and beyond, and with the immense support of our dear friend Luckas and his solidarity movement, another Cuban family is emerging from the most extreme poverty," noted the activist.
"The ordeal of living amidst sewage water, in a house infested with pests and insects, is coming to an end. A better future begins for those three small children thanks to solidarity," he noted.
In another post, Jolá highlighted the moment when the mother and her three children received the key to their new home: “Today those three little Cuban kids will sleep under a safe roof. Their mother has a new hope to fight for, to decorate, and to build a better future despite the hardships,” she expressed on Facebook.
The publication captures the moment when the children arrive at their new home, a snapshot that encapsulates the desire of compassionate individuals to provide a better life for a large family neglected by the Cuban regime.
It is not the first time that some families, for various reasons, have achieved the dream of having decent housing thanks to the efforts of activists and the solidarity of the community, rather than the regime's management.
Recently, the comedian Limay Blanco handed over house number 37 this weekend to a mother with two children who were living in inhumane conditions.
In a video posted on his social media, the comedian explained that the process of buying and renovating the house took nearly four months because it was quite challenging to gather the necessary funds.
Just ten days ago, Blanco also handed over house number 38 to a couple of Christian pastors.
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