Hawaii Vacation! Osmani García and his wife Laura enjoy a paradisiacal family getaway.

Osmani García and his wife Laura escape to Hawaii with their children for an unforgettable vacation, enjoying paradisiacal beaches and family activities.

The popular Cuban singer Osmani García and his wife Laura have decided to take a well-deserved break in the paradisiacal destination of Hawaii. Accompanied by their children, the Cuban couple has shared several images on social media showing how much they are enjoying themselves in this dream place. From white sandy beaches to the most tropical drinks, the postcards of their trip have not stopped capturing the attention of their followers.

During their stay, Osmani and Laura have taken the opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities so that their children can enjoy the place, and they are staying at a Disney hotel. Undoubtedly, a very special vacation in which they are making the most of every moment to create beautiful memories together.

Completely in love with his wife, the singer known as "The Voice" dedicated some beautiful words to his wife on Instagram. "She talks to me about building a world of dreams together and I, in silence, admire her as I see my dream speak," he wrote alongside a video compiling several moments experienced on this very special journey.

The getaway to Hawaii not only represents a time of relaxation and rest for Osmani García but also an opportunity to recharge energies with his loved ones. When he is not working on new music, the Cuban artist enjoys the beautiful family he has formed with the Cuban pastry chef. They are recently planning to have more children as he announced. In a post, the artist mentioned that they are planning to have children together through surrogacy.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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