Leader of organization in Florida denies terrorism accusations made by the Cuban regime from Orlando

"We don't know what they're talking about," said Willy González about the accusations made against him from Cuba.

Embarcación en que el acusado llegó a Cuba (i) y Willy González (d) © Collage YouTube/Screenshot-Telemundo 51
The boat in which the accused arrived in Cuba (l) and Willy González (r)Photo © Collage YouTube/Screenshot-Telemundo 51

Willy González, leader of the organization "The New Cuban Nation in Arms" and mentioned by the regime of Havana as the ringleader of an alleged conspiracy that led to an arrest in Cuba, denied any involvement with an armed operation on the island from the city of Orlando, where he resides.

"Our organization provides military training, but not for subversive purposes," González stated in an interview with Telemundo 51. He mentioned that he does not recall ever meeting Ardenys García Álvarez, the man who is detained in Cuba, although he does not rule out the possibility that he may have received military training within the scope of his organization."

However, when asked about specific plans for subversion in Cuba, he was unequivocal in his response.

"We have not carried out any operation in Cuba, and we do not know about any operation or anything they are talking about," said Willy González.

Willy González pointed out that "The New Cuban Nation in Arms" has no plans that involve violating the laws of the United States, although they do wish to be prepared in the event of an armed uprising in Cuba.

The leader of the Democracy Movement, Ramón Saúl Sánchez, for his part, described as "ridiculous" the idea that a man on a watercraft with a few pistols and three magazines could be considered a "military action" against Cuba.

The leader of the exile believes that the regime's show has two clear objectives: to intimidate Cubans just before the July 11th anniversary and to use that incident in international forums to justify its repressive actions.

"This is to tell Cubans 'I am protecting you from these people who want to harm you'," pointed out the exiled leader.

Despite the regime's claims, the video released did not show any material evidence of the alleged conspiracy. Therefore, the lack of evidence has led many to question the truthfulness of the accusations.

It was at the beginning of this week that the Cuban government revealed that they had dismantled an alleged terrorist plan against the country -organized and allegedly financed from the U.S.- stating that the key figure was a man who illegally entered through the shores of Matanzas on a jet ski in November 2023.

The citizen has now been identified by the authorities as Ardenys García Álvarez, 40 years old and a native of Cienfuegos.

The regime said that García Álvarez had a criminal record on the island for the crimes of speculation and burglary. He had illegally left the country in 2014 and had been residing in the United States since then.

Colonel Víctor Álvarez Valle stated on the television program Razones de Cuba, hosted by Humberto López, that the detainee entered Cuba illegally carrying weapons and intended to subvert the social order.

During his statements, which he claimed to be making "voluntarily," Ardenys mentioned Willy González and Dayán Quiñones.

The Cuban authorities accuse Ardenys of making rounds in key locations and contacting people to orchestrate terrorist plans on the island.

Ardenys García Álvarez faces criminal charges for offenses against State Security, Espionage, and crimes against constitutional order, among others.

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