In the Valle Grande neighborhood of La Lisa municipality in Havana, an accident occurred this Wednesday when a truck overturned a container in the middle of the street.
Lachy Olivera Varea reported in the Facebook group "ACCIDENTS BUSES & TRUCKS for more experience and fewer victims!" that, fortunately, the incident did not result in any injuries.
Olivera shared a gallery of images depicting the moment when a trailer overturned a container on a street, blocking a significant portion of the roadway.
The photos show a crane on site, seemingly ready to reposition the container on the trailer and clear the roadblock.
Although there were no injuries or loss of life in this incident, a fatal event occurred in Santiago de Cuba this Tuesday.
The incident occurred at the intersection of Heredia and Peralejo streets when a Girón bus, apparently due to a brake failure, crashed into an old building, journalist Yosmany Mayeta reported on Facebook.
At the scene, a woman who was passing by at that moment passed away.
Another accident occurred this Tuesday in Santiago de Cuba when a tractor crashed into the entrance of a house after losing its brakes while going down a hill.
The pavement was wet at the time of the accident, which increased the danger. Fortunately, there were no injuries or fatalities resulting from the incident, but there was material damage.
Also on Tuesday, a concrete mixer truck crashed into the outer wall of the Hotel Habana Libre, with no reported injuries.
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