Aly Sánchez shares an adorable video of her daughter Sarah: "My favorite word is love."

It turns out that if Sarah could change her name, she would choose Laura, because in her opinion, it is a "very pretty name."

Sarah, the youngest daughter of Aly Sánchez, is a very lively and alert girl who, with her contagious joy, wins the hearts of everyone around her and her mom's followers on social media.

The Cuban actress and comedian shared an adorable video of her little girl, in which she amusingly answers several questions posed by her mother.

It turns out that Sarah, if she could change her name, would choose Laura, because in her opinion it is a "very pretty name."

For the little girl, the best day of her life is the one when she can go on vacation with her whole family, which is why she fondly remembers when they went to Finland and she could make snowballs and throw them at her sister Sophia.

It goes without saying that the earthquake of the house, as her family calls it, is very witty, and if she were invisible, she would like to go to a sleepover with her friends because her mom won't let her go.

"The best thing about being me is that I have my sister by my side," she says very convincingly, showing the immense love she feels for Sophia. That's why when Sophia goes to camp, she becomes very sad.

His favorite word is love, his favorite person is mom and dad, but he quickly says that the whole family is his favorite so no one gets jealous.

If something is very clear from Sarah's responses, it's that she is already a big girl, and it's impossible not to love her.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment