A beloved physical education teacher is murdered in Holguín.

The murdered professor had taught physical education in different educational centers in the city of Holguín.

Holguín (Imagen de Referencia)) © City of Holguin, Cuba
Holguín (Reference Image)Photo © City of Holguin, Cuba

A Cuban, a physical education teacher who was very beloved by his students and friends, was killed in the early hours of Friday, August 30, in the city of Holguín.

Gilberto Laffita, who resided in the Reparto Peralta of the capital city of Holguín, was murdered during an attempted robbery at his home. The reports did not provide further details about the victim.

Facebook capture/Abi Romero

Laffita, apparently, had worked as a physical education teacher at the José Martí Vocational Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences (IPVCE), the Raúl Gómez García Elementary Art School, and the Holguín Technical Institute, better known as ITH, and he also sold water near his residence, according to several comments.

It was precisely in this last group where the news of his passing was announced.

"With great pain, I bring you devastating news. I was just informed that physical education teacher Gilberto Laffita, whom we affectionately called Laffita, was murdered in the garden of his home in the early morning today. Those who studied during the years 1994-2000 will remember him," wrote the user Yudixander Sotto.

Facebook capture/Yurixander Sotto

Another post in the Facebook group "Revolico Holguín" reported that the alleged killers were arrested that same day.

"They have already caught the killers of Professor Laffita, thanks to the neighbors' cameras," reported user Abi Romero.

Facebook capture/Abi Romero

The death of the beloved professor generated consternation in the community and among former students who highlighted the kindness of the teacher.

"My condolences to my colleague Matilde, her daughters, and other family members," expressed an internet user in a comment highlighting that the deceased leaves a family in mourning.

"May the professor rest in peace, my condolences to the family, but we need to make it visible, so that the authorities see that we are not fools, and that the full weight of the law falls upon them," clarified another person.

The expressions of condolences also called for "justice, citizen tranquility." They mentioned that the professor was "beloved, admired, respected," and pointed out that his students and the people of Holguín are demanding justice.

The incident prompted a user to reflect: “There is a lack of everything except for criminals, robbers, pickpockets, murderers, and thieves who kill their victims even for a cellphone. In this country, you are not even safe inside your own home. How much has Cuba changed?”

A little more than a week ago, two mothers were murdered along with their underage children in the town of Ceballos, in Ciego de Ávila. In a massacre that shocked all of Cuba.

Two young brothers, identified as Luis Enrique and Leudys Romero Daudinot, were arrested as the presumed authors of the crime. They worked in the area and allegedly entered the house of one of the two families to steal.

That same weekend, a young Cuban man, the father of a small child, was allegedly killed in a fight for reasons that are unknown.

In Holguín itself, a family from San Germán experienced moments of tension and uncertainty during a violent assault that led to an hour of kidnapping, according to reports that appeared on social media.

The family was made up of three individuals: a woman, her husband, and a minor, who is the woman's grandson.

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