Cubans criticize Díaz-Canel for gastronomic event amid the crisis

"And this month's groceries have not arrived at the store. Maybe at that event they will discover how to eat without food, without dying in the attempt."

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez © Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez / Twitter y Facebook / Arletys Planas Perez
Miguel Díaz-Canel BermúdezPhoto © Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez / Twitter and Facebook / Arletys Planas Perez

Dozens of Cubans criticized Miguel Díaz-Canel for celebrating an international gastronomy festival at a time when the people are facing one of the worst food crises in their history.

While in many homes people have nothing to put on the table, the regime inaugurated the 14th Varadero Gourmet International Festival on Wednesday, with great pomp, featuring cooking, gastronomy, and cocktail competitions.

"With the hunger that most Cubans are experiencing and seeing these things fills us with outrage. They do it on purpose, there is no respect for my people, most of whom are elderly and sick," commented a user on CiberCuba's post on Facebook.

"This disgusts me more every day, the people dying of hunger while they live the sweet life!" noted a mother.

"They have no shame at all; it's pitiful to see this when every day you have to juggle to ensure your child has their school snack," expressed a manicurist.

"And our children without candy or sweets, what a lack of respect for the people; while they showcase all this food, many people don't even have anything to eat," denounced a resident of Sancti Spíritus.

The Varadero Gourmet, held in the famous resort of Matanzas, is dedicated to themes that are as distant from the everyday Cuban as high cuisine, artistic cooking, or the knowledge of alternative cooking.

"And the orders for this month haven't arrived at the warehouse, and look, they said they were guaranteed, but nothing, they don't arrive. Maybe at that event they'll discover how to eat without food, without dying in the attempt," a housewife ironized.

"What a lack of respect, with the hunger that the vast majority of the people have; how expensive it is for us to buy a sweet for our children, and look at that abundance and waste," commented a father of two children.

"With so much misery that the people are going through, because they are killing us with hunger and need, because no matter how much you work in this country, you work yourself to death for nothing and your salary is not enough. Look at the date, they haven't even brought us the children's milk," recalled someone from Granma.

"The hypocrisy of this government that tries to deceive international opinion while there are children here selling sweet buns, tamales, etc., to help eat something at home," said a Havana resident.

"It's nothing new, the people no longer have access to anything, but the hotels have always shown abundance and variety in their gastronomic offerings," emphasized an internet user.

Recently, the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights presented the VII Report on the State of Social Rights in Cuba 2024, with revealing results about the Cuban reality.

The non-governmental organization revealed in the document that "89% of Cuban families suffer from extreme poverty," one percentage point more than last year and 13% more than in 2022.

One of the most significant pieces of information is that "seven out of ten Cubans have stopped having breakfast, lunch, or dinner due to lack of money or food shortages."

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