Activists from Hermanos de la Calle deliver food to vulnerable people in Sancti Spíritus.

The solidarity project Brothers of the Street is developing several initiatives in Sancti Spíritus for the most in need.

Activistas entregan alimentos en Sancti Spíritus © Collage Facebook / Yureibys Torresilla
Activists deliver food in Sancti Spíritus.Photo © Collage Facebook / Yureibys Torresilla

The solidarity project Brothers of the Street delivered food to the most vulnerable people in Sancti Spíritus last Saturday, providing support to those who do not have sufficient government protection.

Yureibys Torresilla reported in the Facebook group “HERE WITH THE HERO in Sancti Spiritus! Solidarity and assistance group” that Saturday's event was particularly impactful, as they reached out to those living in the most critical conditions.

Facebook capture / Yureibys Torresilla

Through their social media, the members of the project expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to bring hope and help to those in need, inviting the community to leave supportive messages for the beneficiaries: “Thank you, life, thank you very much.”

Recently, the solidarity project Hermanos de la Calle also promoted the initiative of donating clothing to those in greatest need.

Facebook capture / Yureibys Torresilla

"Check your displays, your closets, whatever you’re not going to use, donate it to our project Hermanos de la calle, as we will have a clothing donation fair at my house on Saturday," Torresilla pointed out on that social network.

Despite the growing economic crisis in Cuba, some projects and individuals share what little they have with those facing even more difficult situations.

The Catholic priest Leandro NaunHung distributed bread during a Sunday mass in a rural area of Santiago de Cuba, highlighting this gesture as a way to share joy and resist the harsh reality faced by Cubans.

NaunHung, in a video posted on Facebook, expressed a message of hope and solidarity while distributing bread in a rural area of Santiago de Cuba: “We bring you a gift, we bring you bread,” said the priest, highlighting that, amid the crisis affecting so many families, sharing food is a way to bring joy.

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