Flor de Cuba returns to the island and defends herself against criticism following her visit to Miami: "Now I am a historian of the USA."

The Cuban influencer is back on the island and shared her reunion with her children.

Flor de Cuba returns to the island after enjoying her stay in Miami, the first trip she made to the United States after obtaining her five-year tourist visa, which will allow her to enter and leave Cuba whenever she wishes.

The content creator wanted to share all the details of her stay in the City of the Sun with her followers on social media, and before heading to Cuba, she reflected on everything she has learned during her brief stay in the United States.

"Each country is a world of its own, and in each culture, we can learn different things. Traveling to the United States will mark a turning point in my life, especially because of the lessons learned. I choose to see life positively and prepare myself to face difficulties. In this country, I learned about organization and respect for the laws. I understood what justice is and the respect for others' rights. I also learned a lot about the necessary immigration procedures to be legal in the country. My goal was to come for tourism," commented the young woman alongside a video in which she showed her departure from the United States.

In response to these statements, the young woman has received several criticisms. Some comments on her social media said: "How can you learn so much about a country and draw conclusions in less than two weeks? Hahahaha. America is bigger than that, you can spend your whole life here and not know everything," "At what point did you learn so much in less than 15 days?" "You've been here for 2 days and you've already learned so quickly, you're already American!" or "In a week this girl learned more than I have, and I've been here for years. Don't pretend to be a tourist, you don't know what it is to pay a bill, have credit, properties, or pay taxes. You know nothing, not even how to drive or understand the laws here, LOL!"

Flor de Cuba responded ironically to these negative comments, saying: "Now I am a historian of the USA."

In another video, the influencer shared her return to Cuba. Along with the video showing her return, she commented: "The little flower has returned to Cuba. There is nothing like coming back to your land to see your loved ones. The joy of a reunion and being able to provide for your family with what they need is priceless. It's true that sometimes material things fill us up, but nothing compares to the warmth of hugging those you love. My children know that mom will never let them lack anything, just like all Cuban mothers, who are warriors and will do whatever it takes to ensure a better future for them."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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