Cuban political prisoner disappeared after arriving by boat at Florida Keys

The young man residing in the municipality of Güira de Melena, in Artemisa, has a sentence of 13 years of deprivation of liberty.

Daisel González Álvarez © Mayra Yosvany Hernandez / Facebook
Daisel González ÁlvarezPhoto © Mayra Yosvany Hernandez / Facebook

A Cuban political prisoner, sentenced by the regime due to his participation in the protests of July 11, 2021, is missing after fleeing the country by sea to the United States.

Daisel González Álvarez, 26 years old, escaped from the island in a boat heading to the United States on October 6, taking advantage of a prison pass to his home," Amelia Calzadilla reported on Facebook.

Facebook capture/Amelia Calzadilla

"In the last contact held with his family, he let them know that he was on a cayo in Florida, but he did not say which one, and since then they have heard nothing from him. They are desperate, any information can help us," wrote the Cuban activist.

The young man residing in the municipality of Güira de Melena, in Artemisa, has a sentence of 13 years of deprivation of liberty. After his detention, he recounted to the independent media CubaNet that during the protests on July 11, when the police began to repress the attendees, he and other protesters started throwing stones at a store of the Panamericana chain.

Three days later, law enforcement agents arrested him and took him to the local police station, where he was kept for three days in a cell. Afterward, he was transferred to the Reloj Club unit in Havana, where he remained for another three days, until on July 20, he was placed to await his trial at the Combinado del Este, specifically on the fourth floor, in the north wing of building 3.

The young man has reported constant insults and verbal assaults by the Cuban police. In October 2021, it became known that since he was detained on July 14, he has not had access to medication to treat a consequence of syphilis, nor to any type of medical attention.

Until he was imprisoned, González Álvarez worked as a baker in a state unit. He has a small daughter.

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