Florida Keys

The Florida Keys, a set of idyllic islands and a popular tourist destination, have frequently made headlines on CiberCuba for a variety of dramatic and significant events. From the continuous arrival of Cuban rafters in search of freedom to environmental concerns such as the mysterious death of sawfish, the news covers both humanity and nature. Recent headlines include thrilling rescues, survival in extreme conditions, and the constant surveillance by the Border Patrol. Furthermore, local events such as illegal fishing and the sale of million-dollar properties paint a complex picture of life in the Keys. Discover these and other fascinating stories, reflecting the vibrant tapestry of life in the Florida Keys on CiberCuba.

The United States repatriates 31 Cuban rafters.

  • CiberCuba Editorial

Seven Cuban rafters are detained upon landing at Cayo Largo, Florida.

  • CiberCuba's editorial team

Do lobsters from Cuba reach Florida?

  • Entertainment

Florida received fewer tourists in 2023.

  • CiberCuba Editorial

Ten places to visit in Florida in 2024

  • Entertainment

Three Cuban rafters detained after landing near Key West.

  • CiberCuba's Editorial Team

Hialeah man arrested for illegal lobster fishing in the Florida Keys

  • CiberCuba's editorial team