Vladimir Putin affirms that Fidel Castro was "a sincere and reliable friend of Russia"

During the conversation, Raúl Castro thanked the Russian president for his words and assured him that Havana will maintain "the course of its cooperation" with Moscow.

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This article is from 7 years ago

Moscow, Nov 26 (EFE).- Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, telephoned today his Cuban colleague, Raúl Castro, to offer his condolences for the death of the leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro.

According to the Kremlin's press service, during the conversation Raúl Castro thanked the Russian president for his words and assured him that Havana would maintain "the course of their cooperation" with Moscow.

Putin said that Fidel Castro was a brilliant politician "who devotedly served his country and earned the respect of the international community."

This morning, as soon as the news of Fidel Castro's death was announced, Putin sent a telegram of condolences in which he described him as a symbol of "an entire era" in contemporary history.

"The free and independent Cuba that he created together with his co-religionists became an influential member of the international community and served as an inspiring example for many peoples and countries", he pointed.

And he stressed that Fidel "gave his life" for his ideals and that he was "a sincere and reliable friend of Russia."

Relations between the Kremlin and Cuba cooled with the rise to power of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985 and the launch of Prestroika, a process highly criticized by Castro, and finally entered into crisis with the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991.

However, in recent years the Russian leader has promoted a new strategic alliance between both countries.

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