Aleida Guevara: "There are still naive Cubans who believe in the American dream"

Ernesto "Che" Guevara's daughter criticizes that immigrants from the island continue "dreaming of what Hollywood movies tell".

Aleida Guevara ©
Aleida GuevaraPhoto ©

This article is from 7 years ago.

Ernesto "Che" Guevara's daughter, Aleida Guevara, once again lashed out at those who decide to leave Cuba during an interview in Spain collected by Diario de Cuba.

Despite having raised the cultural level of the Cuban people, there are still naive people who believe the sirens' songs. They think that upon arriving in the United States with this law (Cuban Adjustment Act), they are headed to the American dream," he stated. In this sense, he criticized that there are immigrants who "dream of what Hollywood movies tell." "It's impressive how some people can still be confused by this," he added.

Guevara also mentioned the Cuban Adjustment Act to argue against Cuban immigrants, even though he referred to measures that have not been in effect since last January.

There is a law that the US Senate signed in 1966, called 'the Cuban Adjustment Act', which states that a Cuban who arrives illegally in the US is entitled to money to start, housing, and a job. And after living there for a year, they can become a US citizen. We don't want that, we don't want any privilege of that kind," he stated in the aforementioned interview.

He also reminded Washington of the obligation to fulfill the agreement with the Cuban government to grant up to "20,000 visas annually."

Reestablishment of relations between Cuba and the USA

The daughter of "Che" Guevara also took the opportunity to warn that the relationship between Cuba and the United States is not normal. "We cannot have a normal or diplomatic relationship with a government that blocks us. Only when this law (the Cuban Adjustment Act) is repealed will we have a normal diplomatic relationship," she stated.

Despite the increase in the arrival of American tourists, the docking of cruise ships and flights from U.S. territory, he argued that "the blockade is becoming tougher and crueler for the Cuban people every day."

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Jose Nacher

Journalist for CiberCuba. Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia, Spain. Writer for Siglo XXI, Agencia EFE, Las Provincias and El Mundo.

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