Woman expelled from a pool in the United States because the bottom of her swimsuit looked like "a thong"

The person in charge of the pool stated that "a normal swimsuit covers the entire butt."

Chica en bañador © Collage CiberCuba
Girl in swimsuit Photo © Collage CiberCuba

This article is from 6 years ago

The American Tyler Newman shared through Facebook the unpleasant incident that his fiancée had to face in the apartment building where they both reside, in Tennessee.

According to Tyler, the pool manager told Tori Jenkins "that her body, because it was shaped with more curves than others, was too inappropriate for the children there. They told her that there were many teenagers in the complex and that it was not necessary to excite them."

For this reason, the person in charge asked the girl to put on another swimsuit, cover herself with shorts or leave the premises. He also questioned her outfit, saying "a normal swimsuit covers your entire butt."

"Today my fiancée was told that she is less important than what men feel about her [...] I would never make her or any other woman feel less than her worth, because of her clothes or her appearance "This is how rape culture continues to grow," lamented the young man in a post on his Facebook profile.

"I have never seen my girlfriend embarrassed to the point that she couldn't look her best friends in the face. I have never seen her cry like she did in our apartment today. And all because some ignorant idiots think they can control the size and the shape of your body," he continues.

"I would never make a woman feel less than her worth because of her clothes or how she is," added the young man.

Facebook/Tyler Newman

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