Pablo Milanés: "Despacito is an extraordinary delay for Latin music"

The Cuban once again attacked the dominance of reggaeton on the musical scene.

Pablo Milanés ©
Pablo Milanés Photo ©

This article is from 6 years ago

The Cuban singer-songwriter Pablo Milanés gave an interview to the Spanish newspaper ABC in which he talked about his upcoming tour, his projects and the current situation on the music scene.

Milanés, who is beginning a concert tour that will take him across Spain, said that during his concerts he plans to perform his best-known songs and also songs from “Flores del Futuro,” an album with the Cuban pianist Miguel Núñez.

The troubadour, who has recently launchedan album of duets with his daughter, revealed that he has finished the final details of “an album of American music standards” in which he sings in English with a trio of young musicians.

However, he confessed that he would like to make a Cuban rumba album. “I've been wanting to do it for many years, and for one reason or another it resists me”, lament.

Pablo Milanés, on the other hand, did not hesitate to respond about the conquest that has made the Spanish-speaking market the topicSlowly. “I think it's a shame that it wasn't with another genre and another song.”, he pointed.

Also referring to Luis Fonsi's change of style he added:“He'll tell you the difference there is with Luis Fonsi from before, when he did a version of my song Para vivir”

The Cuban artist was emphatic regardingto the absolute predominance of reggaeton in the musical panorama current. “It seems to me that it is an extraordinary delay for Latin music. Music is a business, it no longer has any cultural initiative or progressive initiative. There are so many good composers on the street and yet,The easiest, the rudest, the superficial is what has been imposed, unfortunately”, he declared.

When asked aboutTrump's policy towards Cuba, Pablo reaffirmed his position of not speaking out on political issues but stated that "The Cuban people are suffering between two fires."

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