USA: Stocks of gun companies rise after Las Vegas shooting

Nevada is an "Open Carry" state since it allows you to openly carry firearms if you are over 18 years old.

Víctimas cubiertas con sábanas después del tiroteo en Las Vegas © Getty Images
Victims covered in sheets after Las Vegas shooting Foto © Getty Images

This article is from 6 years ago

Shares of US arms companies rose after the shooting that took place in Las Vegas during last Sunday night.

As detailed 'CNBC' This phenomenon already occurred after the shootings in Orlando and San Bernardino (California). The source also reported that the values of companies such as Sturm Ruger or American Outdoor Brands rose up to five percent.

The managing director of Aegis Capital, Rommel Dionisio, explained that after those attacks there was "an increase in firearms sales for two or three weeks."

In his opinion, these tragic events "caused something in the American consciousness about personal security."

On this occasion, he indicated that the increase in demand for weapons is part of consumers' anticipation of a potential tightening of regulations.

Nevada is an "Open Carry" state since it allows you to openly carry firearms if you are over 18 years old. In this sense, Dionisio recalled that in some states stricter laws regarding weapons have been approved. However, a nationwide change in gun ownership legislation seems unlikely.

At least 50 dead in the Las Vegas massacre and more than 400 injured after a subject identified as Stephen Paddock shot from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel against the more than 22,000 attendees at the country star Jason Aldean's concert.

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Jose Nacher

CiberCuba journalist. Graduate in Journalism from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia, Spain. Editor at Siglo XXI, Agencia EFE, Las Provincias y El Mundo.

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Jose Nacher

Jose Nacher

CiberCuba journalist. Graduate in Journalism from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia, Spain. Editor at Siglo XXI, Agencia EFE, Las Provincias y El Mundo.