They call for the National Cuban Knit Classic

It will be a competition between provinces where each region must form a team with the best representatives of the peasant catalog.

Jóvenes bailando música campesina. © Radio Ciudad de La Habana
Young people dancing to peasant music. Photo © Radio City of Havana

This article is from 5 years ago

The Ibero-American Center of the Décima and the Improvised Verse together with the Cuban Institute of Music convene the 2018 National Cuban Punto Classic “My land is like this”, in greeting to the declaration of thisartistic manifestation as Intangible Heritage of Humanity, by UNESCO, on December 6.

According to the newspaperWorkers, will be a competition between provinces where each region must form a team with the best representatives of the peasant catalog of the Provincial Music Companies.

The groups will have 11 members: four musicians (lute, three, guitar and percussion), four repentistas and one performer, who must master a repertoire of 10 songs and an equal number of tunes of the genre; Furthermore, a decimista writer and a plastic artist.

The teams will face each other two by two, in the modality of all against all.

The repentistas will do so in the different types of disputes.

The writers, for their part, will write tenths of a topic taken at random and will do a counter-reading with the repentistas of the opposite side. At the beginning of the event they must deliver a tenth that the painter of the other team will paint on a mural before finishing the competition.

Three regional meetings will be held at the end of the summer, and the grand final will take place during the day in commemoration of National Culture Day.

The main moments of the contest will be included in a documentary.

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